Oppo Find X2 and X2 pro launched in India Read out the features and specs. Oppo Find X2 Pro and Oppo Find X2 have been launched in India.The company said that this smart phones are their latest flagships. The new Oppo phones feature 120Hz Ultra Vision display and come with a punch-hole camera design. Both Oppo Find X2 Pro and Find X2 also come with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoC and have 5G supported. the Oppo Find X2 Pro offers a periscope-shaped lens that provides 10x hybrid zoom. The phone also supports 60x digital zoom. Alongside the two new models, the company has brought the Oppo Find X2 Pro Automobile company Lamborghini Edition to the Indian market with Lamborghini branding. Oppo Find X2 Pro, Oppo Find X2 price in India, The Oppo Find X2 price is set at Rs. 64,990 for the 12GB + 256GB model . It will be sold in Black (Ceramic) and Ocean (Glass) colour variants. The company hasn't yet revealed the price of the Oppo Find X2 Pro or...